Tuesday 12 April 2016

virtualbox internetworking

vboxmanage dhcpserver add --netname testlab --ip --netmask --lowerip --upperip --enable

If you see the vm image, in the network section: you will be having something like:

Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (Internal Network, ‘testlab’)

And in the host you will see ip as: and something else like: and you can ping to each other.

# What to do, to have internet even?

In the above setting, we are not able to connect to external network. But internal networking working fine. 

With NAT its working fine :) and in NAT, we can do port forwarding and to access the port what we want to access.

### And in NAT, we can do port forwarding and to access the port what we want to access.


Select Port Forwarding and can configure.

External link:


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