Thursday, 12 December 2013

making website fast

making website fast

1. Make fewer http request:
 [ image map : spriting ]

2. use CDN: [ pull static contents from there. ]
        and set expary based on the content type.
3. expariy header : so cdn will pull after the expary time.

4. gzip content.

5. proxy caching.

6. gzip script and css

7. put the css on the top

8. put the script at the end

9. page fold design

10. DNS lookups [ on the DNS server give a balanced TTL ] [ if you don't switch the server IP the mostly a higher DNS lookup is also good. ]

11. if can be use external iframe call

12. make a page devision of the service. on higher demand request... make sure the you load the service bashed on priority.

13. minify java script code . [ less space... and other related stuffs ]

14. elements/firebug to monitor how much time tacking each service.

[ No mage should be in big format, it should be reduced. ]

15. phase wise image loading also good.

16. avoid redirection

17. remove duplicate script, if any...

18. if possible make ajex cacheable

[ restful api service ]

19. Multiple [alias] sub domain [ so that user can download the content from different subdomain. ]

20. limit download speed.

21. async call.

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