$vi frame.htm
<frameset cols="10%,*" border="7" bordercolor="red">
<frame name="leftFrame" src="navigation.htm" marginheight=30 marginwidth="5">
<frame name="mainFrame" src="mainHome.htm" marginheight="30" marginwidth="25">
NOTE: the frame name that you can do the target to for other pages.
2. navigation page:
$vi navigation.htm
<a href="mainHome.htm" target="mainFrame"a>Home</a><br>
<a href="page1.htm" target="mainFrame"a> Page1<br>
<a href="page2.htm" target="mainFrame"a> Page2<br>
NOTE: e mainHome.htm, page1.htm and page2.htm all are target to the "mainFrame" that we have define on the frame.htm [above] code. So that when you click the above link, those pages will open on the mainFrame.
Different target:
3. Now you create your pages as define on the Navigation.htm file:
$ vi mainHome.htm:
This is the Home page.
$ vi page1.htm
This is page1.
$vi page2.htm
This is page2.
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